Who We Are
The South African Women and Sports Foundation is an organization that looks to ensure that not only the contributions sport can make to South African women are realized, but that the contributions South African women can make to the sport are equally well recognized and rewarded.
An organization that is focused on advocacy and creating awareness regarding issues that promote and hinder the active participation of women (and girls) in all areas of possible involvement and participation in sport.
What SAWASF Does To Make A Difference?

What We Do?
SAWASF is a non-profit advocacy organization. It is not a sports federation and/or a sports governing body. It is an organization that is focused on advocacy and creating awareness regarding issues that promote and hinder the active participation of women (and girls) in all areas of possible involvement and participation in sport

Equality & Equity In Sports
SAWASF’s mandate encompasses the interests of women in sport across all sport organisations in South Africa. It has now become important that women and girls involved in various roles in sport, project in one voice the urgency to bring equality and equity in sport in South Africa.

Donate Today
We are empowering women and girls to excel and lead through sport. You can make a difference with your support. Help us to grow female excellence in South African sport.

Become A SAWASF Advocate
SAWASF calls on all women and girls to join as the organisation as advocates, to be called upon as and when action is required for advocacy, through networking, lobbying, public information, and awareness-raising campaigns.
The nature of advocacy work is about social justice. Advocacy involves speaking and acting on behalf of women regarding their interest as persons who have been and continue to be discriminated against based on gender.